Game Play Policy

Game Play Policy and Questions

We are tasked with the responsibility of detecting and preventing the use of third-party tools that are designed and used to grant players an unfair in-game advantage. When our Anti-Cheat software flags an account for cheating, we may subsequently decide to suspend or ban the account from playing again.

When will my ban be removed?

We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating on the game and any resulting account bans are permanent.

Neither we nor the game publisher will lift account bans on request. While we understand this can be frustrating, we must maintain a zero tolerance policy for cheating in order to foster a fair game that all players can enjoy equally.

I wasn't playing when my account got banned!

When cheating is detected on an account, the ban may not be applied right away. You don't need to be online for the ban to be issued on the account.

My account was stolen!

Anyone owning a gaming account is responsible for its safety. Regardless of who was using your account when the cheating occurred, the ban will not be removed.

I want more information about my account ban!

We do not disclose the cheats that were detected while connected to a secured server that resulted in an account ban. We have detailed records for each cheat detection, however, releasing this information would only benefit cheat developers. However, you can send us a ban appeal and request an investigation of your account ban.


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